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Antique American Civil War Springfield Model 1863 Rifled Musket


Manufacturer & Model: American Civil War Springfield Model 1863 Rifled Musket

Barrel Length: 40″

Caliber: .58  muzzle loader

Capacity: 1

Year Manufactured: 1864


This is an Antique American Civil War Springfield Model 1863 Type II Rifled Musket. This model only saw a 3 year production run from 1863 to 1865. This has a barrel length of 40” and an overall length of 56” and is chambered in .58 percussion. The lockplate is marked rear of the hammer “1864” for the year of manufacture and forward of the hammer with an “Eagle” and “U.S./SPRINGFIELD”. The barrel is stamped “1864” on the top and on the left “V/P/Eagle head”. The buttplate is marked “U.S.”.  The stocked has been beautifully carved and is marked “FOX” on the bottom in the style used by Fox Studios. (Possibly used as a prop in movies or television shows). The stock does have a small chip in the left side above the trigger. The sling loop on the barrel does have some deformation.  The rear sight is not correct to the firearm. The ramrod has been replaced with a cleaning rod. Mechanically in excellent condition with a strong action.
These rifles had an effective range of 200 to 400 yards with a maximum range of 1000 yards.  This rifle would make a beautiful addition to any collection and would have you paying closer attention to Civil War movies looking for your rifle.